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  • EASY FUNDRAISING | Health | Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group | England

    This page explaines how Easyfundraising are supporting SDSG and how shoppers can nominate SDSG to receive the money raised through their purchases. EASYFUNDRAISING Rydym yn elusen aelodaeth a arweinir gan ddefnyddwyr sy'n cynnig cyfleoedd nofio i bobl ag anabledd o unrhyw oedran, pobl 50 oed a hŷn a hefyd eu teulu sy'n byw yn Scarborough, Whitby, Filey neu'r ardal gyfagos. Beth ydyw? Pryd bynnag y byddwch chi'n prynu unrhyw beth ar-lein - o'ch siop wythnosol i'ch gwyliau blynyddol - fe allech chi fod yn codi rhoddion am ddim i Grŵp Nofio Anabl Scarborough gyda easyfundraising. Mae dros 4,000 o siopau a safleoedd ar fwrdd y llong yn barod i roi rhodd - gan gynnwys eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, ac M&S - ac ni fydd yn costio ceiniog yn ychwanegol i chi i'n helpu i godi arian. Sut i arwyddo: 1. Ewch i ac ymunwch am ddim. 2. Bob tro rydych chi'n siopa ar-lein, ewch i easyfundraising yn gyntaf i ddod o hyd i'r wefan rydych chi ei eisiau a dechrau siopa. 3. Ar ôl i chi wirio, bydd y manwerthwr yn rhoi rhodd i Grŵp Nofio Anabl Scarborough heb unrhyw gost ychwanegol i chi o gwbl! Gallwch hefyd godi arian os ydych chi'n defnyddio "EasySearch" yn lle eich peiriant chwilio arferol. Cofrestrwch ac arbed " " fel eich peiriant chwilio diofyn. Nid oes unrhyw ddalfeydd na thaliadau cudd a byddwn yn ddiolchgar iawn am eich rhoddion. Diolch am eich cefnogaeth. Easyfundraising CHWILIO HAWDD ARIANNU HAWDD

  • WHY SWIMMING | Health | Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group | England

    Learn about the benefits of swimming, the value that it brings and where to find out more information about swimming in general Croeso i Nofio Hygyrch “Darparu neu gynorthwyo i ddarparu cyfleusterau a digwyddiadau ar gyfer galwedigaeth hamdden, adsefydlu, chwaraeon ac amser hamdden (yn benodol ond nid yn unig trwy ddarparu cyfleusterau a chyfleoedd i nofio) i bobl ag anableddau * a'u teuluoedd, er budd lles cymdeithasol gyda'r nod o wella eu cyflwr ”. Benefits of swimming whatever your fitness level “Darparu neu gynorthwyo i ddarparu cyfleusterau a digwyddiadau ar gyfer galwedigaeth hamdden, adsefydlu, chwaraeon ac amser hamdden (yn benodol ond nid yn unig trwy ddarparu cyfleusterau a chyfleoedd i nofio) i bobl ag anableddau * a'u teuluoedd, er budd lles cymdeithasol gyda'r nod o wella eu cyflwr ”. Top Eight: Rydym yn gweithio gyda llawer o fusnesau, grwpiau ac elusennau lleol i wella a datblygu hygyrchedd a darpariaeth gwella iechyd i bobl ag anabledd ym Mwrdeistref Scarborough. Yn yr un modd, rydym yn derbyn atgyfeiriadau aelodau newydd gan y Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol (Gwasanaeth Plant Anabl a Gwasanaethau Oedolion), Iechyd Galwedigaethol, Nyrsys Arbenigol, Meddygfeydd Teulu, Gwasanaeth Lles NYCC a'n Gwasanaethau Ieuenctid lleol i grybwyll ychydig. Mae'n anhygoel yr hyn y gellir ei gyflawni trwy weithio gyda'n gilydd! Cysylltwch â ni i ddarganfod mwy. OHERWYDD AELOD OHERWYDD AELOD Er 1974 mae SDSG wedi bod yn darparu sesiynau nofio hygyrch bob pythefnos ac rydym bellach wedi'u lleoli ym Mhentref Chwaraeon Scarborough. Rydym yn elusen a arweinir gan ddefnyddwyr ac mae ein sesiynau ar agor i unrhyw un 50 oed a hŷn ac unrhyw un o unrhyw oedran ag anabledd, ynghyd â'u teulu. Value of Swimming “Darparu neu gynorthwyo i ddarparu cyfleusterau a digwyddiadau ar gyfer galwedigaeth hamdden, adsefydlu, chwaraeon ac amser hamdden (yn benodol ond nid yn unig trwy ddarparu cyfleusterau a chyfleoedd i nofio) i bobl ag anableddau * a'u teuluoedd, er budd lles cymdeithasol gyda'r nod o wella eu cyflwr ”. Swim England reveals the Value of Swimming Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied “Darparu neu gynorthwyo i ddarparu cyfleusterau a digwyddiadau ar gyfer galwedigaeth hamdden, adsefydlu, chwaraeon ac amser hamdden (yn benodol ond nid yn unig trwy ddarparu cyfleusterau a chyfleoedd i nofio) i bobl ag anableddau * a'u teuluoedd, er budd lles cymdeithasol gyda'r nod o wella eu cyflwr ”. OHERWYDD AELOD OHERWYDD AELOD OHERWYDD AELOD OHERWYDD AELOD Online Information: Just Swim By Swim England “Darparu neu gynorthwyo i ddarparu cyfleusterau a digwyddiadau ar gyfer galwedigaeth hamdden, adsefydlu, chwaraeon ac amser hamdden (yn benodol ond nid yn unig trwy ddarparu cyfleusterau a chyfleoedd i nofio) i bobl ag anableddau * a'u teuluoedd, er budd lles cymdeithasol gyda'r nod o wella eu cyflwr ”. What you can find on the Just Swim website “Darparu neu gynorthwyo i ddarparu cyfleusterau a digwyddiadau ar gyfer galwedigaeth hamdden, adsefydlu, chwaraeon ac amser hamdden (yn benodol ond nid yn unig trwy ddarparu cyfleusterau a chyfleoedd i nofio) i bobl ag anableddau * a'u teuluoedd, er budd lles cymdeithasol gyda'r nod o wella eu cyflwr ”. OHERWYDD AELOD OHERWYDD AELOD Main Home Page Next Page

  • BUSINESS SUPPORT | Health | Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group | England

    This page explains how memebrs of the community can support SDSG with a regular donation. Forms are downloadable. FFRINDIAU SDSG Boed yn aelod, gofalwr, teulu, ffrind neu'n aelod o'r gymuned leol, gallwch ein cefnogi Cefnogaeth Oeddech chi'n gwybod bod gan 1 o bob 5 o bobl yng Nghymru a Lloegr anabledd? Mae gan Fwrdeistref Scarborough un o'r crynhoad uchaf o bobl ag anabledd yn Lloegr a hi yw'r ardal fwyaf difreintiedig yng Ngogledd Swydd Efrog *. Credwn y dylai pawb allu dysgu nofio a mwynhau buddion nofio gydol oes. Rydyn ni'n dibynnu ar roddion gwirfoddol i gefnogi'r gwasanaethau rydyn ni'n eu cynnig a'r gwelliannau a wneir ym Mhentref Chwaraeon Scarborough. Mae rhoi rheolaidd yn darparu ffynhonnell incwm ddibynadwy i ni y gallwn ei chyfeirio ati lle mae ei hangen fwyaf. Mae eich rhoddion misol yn caniatáu inni gynllunio ymlaen llaw yn fwy effeithiol, gan sicrhau y gallwn barhau i gynnig y gofal a'r gefnogaeth orau i'n haelodau. Sut I ddod yn "Ffrind SDSG" cwblhewch a dychwelwch Ffurflen Rhoddwr a sefydlwch eich Rheol Sefydlog gyda'ch banc, boed hynny trwy eu ffonio, ei sefydlu trwy ap bancio ar-lein / bancio symudol neu trwy gwblhau ac anfon stondin atynt. ffurflen archebu. Cofiwch ddyfynnu "FD" (rhodd ffrind) ac yna'ch enw, fel y gallwn adnabod eich rhodd. Fel arall, gellir sefydlu a thalu rhodd unwaith ac am byth ar-lein gyda'ch cerdyn debyd. Cliciwch yma: CYSYLLTWCH Â NI CYSYLLTWCH Â NI

  • COOP COMMUNITY FUND | Health | Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group | England

    This page explains we have been chosen as a Coop UK charity. THE CO-OP COMMUNITY FUND Peidiwch â phoeni, os ydych chi'n cael trafferth nofio sawl hyd yn olynol, beth am nofio fel rhan o ras gyfnewid? Er mwyn cadw costau i lawr (oni bai ein bod yn gallu sicrhau cyllid allanol) cynigir lôn i nofwyr yn ystod un (neu fwy) o'n prif sesiynau nofio bob pythefnos ym mis Hydref. Gellir dadlwytho ffurflen nawdd isod, unwaith y bydd wedi'i chwblhau, e-bostiwch hi i neu ei llwytho i fyny isod. Gall noddwyr hefyd roi rhodd ar-lein. Cysylltwch â ni am ragor o wybodaeth - diolch! Cyfrannu Ar-lein

  • MEMBERSHIP | Health | Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group | England

    Our membrship page explained how to become a member of Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group, along with forms to dowload. WHO CAN JOIN Fel elusen aelodaeth bydd angen i chi ymuno cyn mynychu un o'n sesiynau a'n gweithgareddau nofio. Anyone (child, young person or adult) with a special educational need or disability (SEND) People with a short or long term health/medical condition (examples including : recovering after a hip replacement, muscle/ligament injury or more long term with diabetes or a hearing impairment ) Adults aged 50+ Aelodaeth Mae aelodaeth yn agored i unrhyw un sy'n 50 oed neu'n hŷn ac i unrhyw un o unrhyw oed ag anabledd. Mae SDSG yn credu yn y dull cyfannol o gefnogi, felly, gall pob aelod taledig ddod â'u teulu, gofalwr / gofalwyr neu ffrind gyda nhw (yn amodol ar ffioedd mynediad), cyn belled â'u bod yn llenwi ffurflen aelodaeth. Ar ôl i chi gyflwyno'ch ffurflen (nau) aelodaeth, talu'ch aelodaeth a chael eich derbyn, byddwch chi'n cael cyfrinair archebu i alluogi archebu ar-lein. TERMS & CONDITIONS JOIN US To join us in two easy steps: - Complete your Membership Form and Pay your Annual Membership online - Pay your entry fee / book online* The above stages can be completed online in advance of your first swim session, or if required, completed at the start of your first swim session. Should you require them, incontinence swimwear** can be purchased from a range of online suppliers, a good place to start may be Fledglings, ran by a charity called Connect. *Please be aware, some of our activities book up very fast and online booking normally closes at least six hours before each swim session. ** SDSG has a small hardship fund to help members with the cost of swimwear and individual buoyancy aids. Please contact us for more information. N ote: Membership is not confirmed until your first swim session, subject to any additional questions. SIGNUP ONLINE Cost: Er mwyn helpu i dalu yswiriant elusennol a chostau rhedeg cyffredinol mae pob cartref (neu'n unigol os yw mewn cartref byw / gofal â chymorth) yn talu ffi aelodaeth flynyddol, sy'n ddyledus wrth ymuno ac ym mis Ionawr bob blwyddyn. Aelodaeth Flynyddol: £ 8.00 * Mae yna hefyd ffioedd mynediad sesiwn / gweithgaredd i helpu i dalu am logi pyllau, achubwyr bywyd, gwirfoddolwyr ac offer. Oedolyn Mynediad Nofio: o £ 6.00 Plentyn Mynediad Nofio: o £ 4.00 Ar ôl i chi ddychwelyd eich ffurflen (nau) aelodaeth byddwch yn anfon dolen e-bost atoch i'ch galluogi i dalu'ch aelodaeth flynyddol gyda cherdyn debyd ar-lein. * Os ydych chi'n talu treth gallwn hawlio'r dreth a dalwyd ar eich ffi aelodaeth yn ôl, 25% yn ychwanegol trwy Gymorth Rhodd. Llenwch ddatganiad neu Amlen Cymorth Rhodd yn ystod un o'n sesiynau. Dadlwythiadau: Er mwyn helpu i'ch cadw chi'n ddiogel, mae'n rhaid bod pawb yn y pwll wedi llenwi ffurflen aelodaeth. Rhaid i bob unigolyn ag anabledd neu gyflwr iechyd lenwi Ffurflen Aelodaeth Grŵp ac ateb cwestiynau am eu hiechyd. Rhaid rhestru pob nofiwr arall ac wedi llofnodi Ffurflen Aml-Ofalwr / Teulu. SIGNUP ONLINE OTHER WAYS TO JOIN SIGNUP ONLINE What payment options do I have? Members (via their membership account) can make secure payments with their PayPal account, credit and debit cards, or Apple Pay and Google Pay from a phone. Do you provide personal care? No, we do not provide any personal care. If you require this level of support, please ensure you arrange adequate support before, during and after SDSG swim sessions. Why does it say booking is closed online? To enable the volunteers to print out the record sheets before a swim session, online booking usually closes at 11am on the day of the swim session. Please book in advance where possible. I have paid my membership online, how do I book a swim session? Upon paying your annual membership online and completing your membership form, you are sent a welcome email confirming your online booking password. If you have not received it within 30mins, please check your "Junk" folder. Please click "book now" (top right of this webpage), select the activity/session you wish to book, enter the password and follow the instructions to book online. Are there any Terms & Conditions? Yes, full terms & conditions can be seen on our website, including: Swim Wear Policy Health committment statement Safeguarding statement General Terms & Conditions Cancelations & Refund Policy Online Terms & Conditions When are the changing rooms available from / to? The changing rooms are normally available 15 mins before and after our swim sessions. The changing rooms may be open to the public. How do I login to my Member Account? Via your online membership account you can: - update your contact details - update your health and medical information -update your preferences - renew your membership To login, please visit: and select sign in by email. As a security measure you will not automatically be signed in, but will receive another email with a further link. This link is only valid for 2 hours (If the link expires, you can generate another one by going back to the previous email and click the ‘Click to complete your application’ link again). This will generate another sign in email. I am a carer, how do I set up a membership on behalf of my service user(s)? New Account Please visit:, complete your membership form (as the lead person), then log out and back in again. Click "Your Membership" tab and scroll down to "Additional Membership", click "New Member" and complete a membership form in the name of your service user. You will then be able to update and switch between the membership form for your service user(s) and your own, via the "Your Membership" tab. Existing Member Should you already have a Membership Account with SDSG, login, click "Your Membership" tab, then "Additional Membership". How do I renew my membership? Renewal reminders are sent automatically as the membership expiry date approaches. You then login to your online membership account and click renew. If another member shares your email address, you will need to "switch user" and renew their membership. How do I renew the membership of a service user or family member who shares my email address? If your child or service user shares your email address, login to Member Mo Jo and scrolls down to "Switch Member". 1 - Select the member you wish to renew. 2- Scroll back up to the top 3 - You should then have a message inviting you to renew that membership. 4 - Follow the options. 3 - You then need to repeat this process for any other members who share your email address. I have a new carer, what do I do? Should you have a new or additional carer, they are required to complete a new membership form before getting in the water. Please login to your Membership Account, click the "Your Membership" tab, then "Additional Membership". You will then be invited to complete a new membership form. My child is disabled, how do I register them? 1 - Please create yourself a Membership Account and complete your membership form, then logout. 2 - Log in to your Membership Account and click "My Membership". 3 - Scroll down to "Additional Membership" 4 - Select "add member", to add a child with a disability . Please repeat the above steps to add another linked membership, eg any other family members. How do I update my Childs or service users details? If your child or service user shares your email address, login to Member Mo Jo and scrolls down to "Switch Member". 1 - Select the member you wish to edit. 2- Scroll back up to "My Details" and click "View or Edit". 3 - It will then load the member profile that you selected. 4 - Scroll down to the bottom and select "Edit" My lead carer has changed, what do I do? If your lead carer has changed (the person who managed your online membership account), once your new lead carer has created an online membership account, please inform the front desk during a SDSG swim session and confirm their email address. Your membership account (plus any other members) will then be linked to the new lead carer's account and your previous lead carer's account will be deactivated. I want to bring a family member/friend, what do I do? 1 - Once you have set up your own membership, please logout and back in. 2 - Go to your Membership Account, click the "Your Membership" tab. 3 - Select "Additional Membership" 4 - Select "New Membership" I have broken my leg, can I join? Yes, our swim sessions are open to anyone with a short or long term health conditions where our specialist sessions would be beneficial. I am part of a self-help group, can we bring a mini bus? Yes, by all means. All swimmers need to have completed their membership forms online and be paid up. Teaching & Learning @ SDSG As SDSG we aim to tailor the activities we offer to the children, young people and adults we work with. To faciliate this, we group people based on one of three pathways: informal, semi-formal and adaptive. Where appropriate, we may also group by age, stage and physical ability. When deciding which activities to join in with or to book, please consider the pathway it is aimed at and ensure it meets your needs and ambitions. The pathways are flexible, so if you are not sure, please speak with the teacher/instructor for more information. What is a specialist or fitness activity? This is a physical activity which is requires intense exercise, such as, aquacise, circuit class or pool snorkelling. Therefore we are required to ask you a few extra questions as part of a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q). Please ensure your membership record is upto date (Member Mo Jo). Ensure you select: Plus check the PAR-Q: You must not participate in a specialist or fitness activity without completing this questionnaire via Member Mo Jo.

  • EMPLOYABILITY | Health | Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group | England

    This page explains our Employability Course. Croeso i Nofio Hygyrch Rydym yn elusen aelodaeth a arweinir gan ddefnyddwyr sy'n cynnig cyfleoedd nofio i bobl ag anabledd o unrhyw oedran, pobl 50 oed a hŷn a hefyd eu teulu sy'n byw yn Scarborough, Whitby, Filey neu'r ardal gyfagos. MAIN POINTS: Our Aim To support young people aged 18 - 25 (Special Educational Needs or Disability - SEND) to develop confidence and awareness of the different roles in community sports clubs, with a particular focus on swimming and developing lifeskills. It is predominantly aimed at those with a mild to moderate learning difficulty or autism. However, we welcome applications from anyone with Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND) who would benefit from partaking in this project. Organiser Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group in partnership with Disability Sport Yorkshire and North Yorkshire Sport. Venue Scarborough Sports Village, Ashburn Road, Off Valley Road, Scarborough YO11 2JW. Time Fortnightly, Saturday Evenings, 5:00 – 8:00pm, with ad hoc work to do at home. Employability Poster Commitment Er 1974 mae SDSG wedi bod yn darparu sesiynau nofio hygyrch bob pythefnos ac rydym bellach wedi'u lleoli ym Mhentref Chwaraeon Scarborough. Rydym yn elusen a arweinir gan ddefnyddwyr ac mae ein sesiynau ar agor i unrhyw un 50 oed a hŷn ac unrhyw un o unrhyw oedran ag anabledd, ynghyd â'u teulu. Signup Come and see us during one of our fortnightly swim sessions. Just pop along. If you are ready to register your interest, please complete and return the application form below by email to (completed, signed and photographed). Please provide as much information as possible on your application, including if you are, or have attended the Personalised Learning College or any such programme. Paper registration forms can be posted to you upon request. Click the Word or PDF icon below to download an application form: Our Volunteers & Job Coach We have a wide range of experience and specialisms including : Qualified Swim Teachers. Lifeguards. Undertaken Halliwick Water Therapy training. NASCH Swim Teachers. Have an Award in Education & Training. Undertaken training in Information, Advice & Guidance. Undertaken the CACHE Childcare & Education / Early Years Education & Care Qualification Basic Makaton. Experienced Sports Coaches (adults). Have undertaken training in working with people with special educational needs or disability. Professional backgrounds in teaching in schools, colleges and community settings; hospitality; catering; retail; specialist autism support; remedial therapy, social care; finance: transformation, project management; administration and IT. Contact Us Project Lead/Placement Coach: Claire Edwards Email: Disability Sport Yorkshire Note: this program and its application criteria may be changed or withdrawn without notice at any time. SDSG also reserves the right to use discretion.

  • THE LOTTERY | Health | Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group | England

    This page outlines the grant received from The Lottery. Y Nofio Mawr Mae gan SDSG ddigwyddiad nofio noddedig blynyddol i ddod â chefnogwyr SDSG ynghyd, boed hynny: teulu, ffrindiau neu aelodau o'r gymuned, i helpu i godi arian y mae mawr ei angen, er mwyn sicrhau y gall unrhyw un ag anabledd neu gyflwr meddygol aros yn egnïol trwy nofio. Nofio a Noddir: Peidiwch â phoeni, os ydych chi'n cael trafferth nofio sawl hyd yn olynol, beth am nofio fel rhan o ras gyfnewid? Er mwyn cadw costau i lawr (oni bai ein bod yn gallu sicrhau cyllid allanol) cynigir lôn i nofwyr yn ystod un (neu fwy) o'n prif sesiynau nofio bob pythefnos ym mis Hydref. Gellir dadlwytho ffurflen nawdd isod, unwaith y bydd wedi'i chwblhau, e-bostiwch hi i neu ei llwytho i fyny isod. Gall noddwyr hefyd roi rhodd ar-lein. Cysylltwch â ni am ragor o wybodaeth - diolch! Dadlwythwch Ffurflen What need is there? Disability is most prevalent in the North of England. 31 per cent of people in the North East, and 24 per cent of people in the North West, and Yorkshire and the Humber are disabled. London has a lower prevalence at 15 per cent.* Three in five (61 per cent) disabled people in the UK are aged over 50.* Four in five (77 per cent) disabled people would like to be more active.* Only 4 in 10 (42%) disabled people feel they have the opportunity to be as active as they want to be, compared to 69% of non-disabled people.* Almost three quarters (74 per cent) of disabled people have more than one impairment.* Inactivity increases with the number of impairments an individual has. 50 per cent of people with three or more impairments are physically inactive compared to 33 per cent of people with one impairment.* Only 28% of disabled people were feeling encouraged to return to activity after the pandemic, compared to 50% of non-disabled people. For those who return, only half (53%) said it was a positive experience.* *Taken from: What are we aiming to do: We are going to deliver a range of aquatic activities over four years, under three core aims: Swimming for: Leisure, Rehabilitation and Sport. Alongside, a range of non-aquatic extension activities to enrich the programme and to help build confidence, engagement and fitness levels. The activities will be user led, linking in with the wider community and mainstream activities, with key opportunities for volunteer development . The rolling programme of activities will be accessible for a wide range of children, young people and adults with SEND and also adults aged 50+. We’re so grateful for the funding from the National Lottery Community Fund, another organisation working with us to increase swimming opportunities for those with SEND or aged 50+ in the Borough of Scarborough. Dadlwythwch Ffurflen

  • FACILITIES | Health | Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group | England

    Our faciltities page summerises the accessibility of Scarborough Sports Village. The Facilities Scarborough Sports Village is a state of the art Olympic Games legacy community pool. The pool we have today has developed over time to incorporate many reasonable adjustments, with the aim to remove or reduce a disadvantage related to disability or a health condition, so as many people as possible can access the facility and the benefits of sports and physical exercise. Entrance Over 8 accessible parking spaces Main entry doors automatically open and close Bright and airy Accessible reception desk Loop system available Seats with arms Lift to pool changing area Village Changing Room Various cubical sizes and layouts Group changing Family changing Various accessible toilets Baby changing room Various size, level and location of lockers Various grab rails Access to the changing room via accessible electronically opened doors Inline with Sport England, many of the changing room benches are extra deep to accommodate overflow disabled changing Locker Saddles Available from reception to help those with Dementia or a learning disability to identify their locker independently. They can be customised with a photo to aid identification. SDSG secured this equipment from Sport England. The Pool 25 meter 8 lane main pool Learner pool State of the art water and air management system Pool View Iris above and in water pool safety system, helping lifeguards to detect and prevent drowning The pool itself was previously used in London as a training pool for the London 2012 Olympic & Paralympics Scarborough Borough Council secured £2.2m in Sport England funding to build the facility A thick lane rope boom can be put across the deep end of the pool to support members (SDSG raised the funds to purchase this equipment) Accessible Seating Throughout Scarborough Sports Village SDSG has placed chairs with arms to support users who need to sit down before, during or after their activity. Although most of the chairs are in prominent locations, some are located in quiet areas to support those who need space or lower noise levels. Accessible Doors Throughout Scarborough Sports Village Everyone Active have installed accessible doors to ensure as many people as possible can independently use the facilities. Please do not manually push or pull the doors, this will break them, they should only be operated through the push to open button located at the side of each door. My Jukes Headsets Waterproof headsets to improve hearing and direct communication between swimmer and swim teacher. To find out more visit our dedicated My Jukes webpage Large Accessible Changing Room Overhead hoist (please ensure it is put back to the charging cradle after use) Member to use their own hoist sling Training is available from Everyone Active Height adjustable bed Transfer board Privacy screen Shower Shower transport chair Toilet and sink Changing places compliant Bed cleaning wipes available from reception Small Accessible Changing Room Electric multi-height shower changing bed , which was purchased by SDSG to improve the accessible provision on offer Toilet, sink and shower Training is available from Everyone Active Transfer board Bed cleaning wipes available from reception Please inform reception if the indicator for "low battery" is showing Gradual Steps Both pools With handrails Identified step edges Grabrails Through working in partnership with Everyone Active and Scarborough Borough Council, Scarborough Sports Village now has a range of grab rails throughout the changing room should you need them. Pool Pod Platform The platform is located by the main pool Can be used by wheelchair users as well as those who struggle with the pool steps and can stand One active wheelchair Two fully adjustable Tilt Wheelchairs (which were funded through SDSG at a cost of £4k each) Independent use wrist bands are available for the Pool Pod Platform from reception (training required) Small Pool Hoist Fixed seat Portable For both the main pool and learner pool User Manual Gradual Steps Both pools With handrails Identified step edges Main Home Page Next Page

  • Health | Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group | England

    Discover the Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group - a welcoming community offering accessible facilities, swimming programs, and more. Join now! BOOKING NOW OPEN ONLINE Low cost family activity in the small pool Croeso i SDSG Nofio hygyrch i bobl 50 oed a hŷn a'r rhai o unrhyw oedran ag anabledd a'u teulu. Ymunwch Nawr Ymunwch Nawr Ymunwch Nawr I.SWIM Teaching & Learning Hydro-Adsefydlu a Ffitrwydd Ymunwch â'n gweithgareddau ffitrwydd ac ymarfer corff sy'n cael eu rhedeg gan Hyfforddwr Ffitrwydd a Aquafit cymwys, gan gyfuno nofio cyffredinol ac ymarfer corff i wella symud a symudedd. Reserve a Spot View Swim Dates Pob Aqua-Synhwyraidd Oedran Mae ein rhaglen yn cyfuno symudiadau hylif, ymlacio, cerddoriaeth, canu, arwyddo a darganfod chwarae. Mae yna weithgareddau ar gyfer plant, oedolion a'r teulu cyfan. Rydym wedi gosod offer gweledol a chlywedol o'r radd flaenaf ac mae gennym dîm o wirfoddolwyr ymroddedig ac Athrawon Nofio cymwys, y mae llawer ohonynt wedi ymgymryd â datblygiad proffesiynol pellach mewn therapi dŵr a chwarae synhwyraidd. Cadwch Smotyn Dysgu mwy Nofio Cyffredinol Ydych chi'n chwilio am nofio cyffredinol a sgwrs gyda chyd-aelodau, yna edrychwch ddim pellach! Mae gennym ni nifer o fflotiau ac offer arbenigol wrth law i wneud eich nofio yn arbennig o arbennig. Dewch yn Aelod Dysgu mwy Cynllun Gwobr Bathodyn Pellter a Sgiliau Dŵr NASCH Mae'r cynllun yn seiliedig ar bwyntiau ac mae'n hynod hyblyg i ddarparu ar gyfer ystod eang o anableddau. Gall pawb ddysgu sgil bywyd! Cadwch Smotyn More Information Gwobrau Amseru a Datblygu Strôc Ydych chi am wella'ch techneg nofio neu a ydych am gwblhau'r lled neu'r hyd hwnnw ychydig yn gyflymach? Mae ein gwirfoddolwyr wrth law i chi, mae gennym ni hefyd Athrawon Nofio cymwys i ddarparu cyngor ac arweiniad. Ar gyfer oedolion a phlant o bob gallu. Archebwch nawr Dysgu mwy Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Mae gan aelodau ag anabledd deallusol * gyfle i barhau â'u datblygiad trwy Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Prydain Fawr. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym dîm o chwe Athletwr Olympaidd Arbennig sy'n teithio'r rhanbarth i gystadlu mewn cystadlaethau a digwyddiadau. FURTHER INFO E-bostiwch Ni Family Activity Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Mae gan aelodau ag anabledd deallusol * gyfle i barhau â'u datblygiad trwy Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Prydain Fawr. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym dîm o chwe Athletwr Olympaidd Arbennig sy'n teithio'r rhanbarth i gystadlu mewn cystadlaethau a digwyddiadau. Express An Interest Family Activity Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Mae gan aelodau ag anabledd deallusol * gyfle i barhau â'u datblygiad trwy Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Prydain Fawr. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym dîm o chwe Athletwr Olympaidd Arbennig sy'n teithio'r rhanbarth i gystadlu mewn cystadlaethau a digwyddiadau. Join Us Family Activity Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Mae gan aelodau ag anabledd deallusol * gyfle i barhau â'u datblygiad trwy Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Prydain Fawr. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym dîm o chwe Athletwr Olympaidd Arbennig sy'n teithio'r rhanbarth i gystadlu mewn cystadlaethau a digwyddiadau. Join Us Accessible Facilities Ample disabled parking, two accessible changing rooms with shower changing beds, open plan village changing cubicles, Pool Pod Platform. Plus lots lots more. Darganfyddwch Mwy Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Mae gan aelodau ag anabledd deallusol * gyfle i barhau â'u datblygiad trwy Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Prydain Fawr. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym dîm o chwe Athletwr Olympaidd Arbennig sy'n teithio'r rhanbarth i gystadlu mewn cystadlaethau a digwyddiadau. E-bostiwch Ni View Swim Dates Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Mae gan aelodau ag anabledd deallusol * gyfle i barhau â'u datblygiad trwy Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Prydain Fawr. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym dîm o chwe Athletwr Olympaidd Arbennig sy'n teithio'r rhanbarth i gystadlu mewn cystadlaethau a digwyddiadau. E-bostiwch Ni View Video View Poster Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Mae gan aelodau ag anabledd deallusol * gyfle i barhau â'u datblygiad trwy Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Prydain Fawr. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym dîm o chwe Athletwr Olympaidd Arbennig sy'n teithio'r rhanbarth i gystadlu mewn cystadlaethau a digwyddiadau. E-bostiwch Ni View Swim Dates I.SWM I.SWIM PROJECT PROGRESSIVE AQUATIC ACTIVITIES Read More COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER INVOLVEMENT Read More LINKED ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES Read More Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Mae gan aelodau ag anabledd deallusol * gyfle i barhau â'u datblygiad trwy Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Prydain Fawr. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym dîm o chwe Athletwr Olympaidd Arbennig sy'n teithio'r rhanbarth i gystadlu mewn cystadlaethau a digwyddiadau. E-bostiwch Ni Aquati Activities Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Mae gan aelodau ag anabledd deallusol * gyfle i barhau â'u datblygiad trwy Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Prydain Fawr. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym dîm o chwe Athletwr Olympaidd Arbennig sy'n teithio'r rhanbarth i gystadlu mewn cystadlaethau a digwyddiadau. Book Now Download Flyer Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Mae gan aelodau ag anabledd deallusol * gyfle i barhau â'u datblygiad trwy Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Prydain Fawr. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym dîm o chwe Athletwr Olympaidd Arbennig sy'n teithio'r rhanbarth i gystadlu mewn cystadlaethau a digwyddiadau. E-bostiwch Ni E-bostiwch Ni Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Mae gan aelodau ag anabledd deallusol * gyfle i barhau â'u datblygiad trwy Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Prydain Fawr. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym dîm o chwe Athletwr Olympaidd Arbennig sy'n teithio'r rhanbarth i gystadlu mewn cystadlaethau a digwyddiadau. E-bostiwch Ni Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Mae gan aelodau ag anabledd deallusol * gyfle i barhau â'u datblygiad trwy Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Prydain Fawr. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym dîm o chwe Athletwr Olympaidd Arbennig sy'n teithio'r rhanbarth i gystadlu mewn cystadlaethau a digwyddiadau. Lottery: More Information Anchor 2 Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Mae gan aelodau ag anabledd deallusol * gyfle i barhau â'u datblygiad trwy Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Prydain Fawr. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym dîm o chwe Athletwr Olympaidd Arbennig sy'n teithio'r rhanbarth i gystadlu mewn cystadlaethau a digwyddiadau. Book Now Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Mae gan aelodau ag anabledd deallusol * gyfle i barhau â'u datblygiad trwy Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Prydain Fawr. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym dîm o chwe Athletwr Olympaidd Arbennig sy'n teithio'r rhanbarth i gystadlu mewn cystadlaethau a digwyddiadau. Book Now Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Mae gan aelodau ag anabledd deallusol * gyfle i barhau â'u datblygiad trwy Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Prydain Fawr. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym dîm o chwe Athletwr Olympaidd Arbennig sy'n teithio'r rhanbarth i gystadlu mewn cystadlaethau a digwyddiadau. Book Now Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Mae gan aelodau ag anabledd deallusol * gyfle i barhau â'u datblygiad trwy Gemau Olympaidd Arbennig Prydain Fawr. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym dîm o chwe Athletwr Olympaidd Arbennig sy'n teithio'r rhanbarth i gystadlu mewn cystadlaethau a digwyddiadau.

  • NASCH Distance & Water Skills | Health | Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group | England

    Learn about NASCH Distance Badge & Waterskills Award Scheme Croeso i Nofio Hygyrch “Darparu neu gynorthwyo i ddarparu cyfleusterau a digwyddiadau ar gyfer galwedigaeth hamdden, adsefydlu, chwaraeon ac amser hamdden (yn benodol ond nid yn unig trwy ddarparu cyfleusterau a chyfleoedd i nofio) i bobl ag anableddau * a'u teuluoedd, er budd lles cymdeithasol gyda'r nod o wella eu cyflwr ”. Distance Badge “Darparu neu gynorthwyo i ddarparu cyfleusterau a digwyddiadau ar gyfer galwedigaeth hamdden, adsefydlu, chwaraeon ac amser hamdden (yn benodol ond nid yn unig trwy ddarparu cyfleusterau a chyfleoedd i nofio) i bobl ag anableddau * a'u teuluoedd, er budd lles cymdeithasol gyda'r nod o wella eu cyflwr ”. “Darparu neu gynorthwyo i ddarparu cyfleusterau a digwyddiadau ar gyfer galwedigaeth hamdden, adsefydlu, chwaraeon ac amser hamdden (yn benodol ond nid yn unig trwy ddarparu cyfleusterau a chyfleoedd i nofio) i bobl ag anableddau * a'u teuluoedd, er budd lles cymdeithasol gyda'r nod o wella eu cyflwr ”. OHERWYDD AELOD Water Skills “Darparu neu gynorthwyo i ddarparu cyfleusterau a digwyddiadau ar gyfer galwedigaeth hamdden, adsefydlu, chwaraeon ac amser hamdden (yn benodol ond nid yn unig trwy ddarparu cyfleusterau a chyfleoedd i nofio) i bobl ag anableddau * a'u teuluoedd, er budd lles cymdeithasol gyda'r nod o wella eu cyflwr ”. Contact Us Other Awards Swim Strokes Darganfyddwch Mwy Swim Skills Exercise

  • Exercise Booklet | ACCESSIBLE SWIMMING

    This page promote Roots of Yggdrasil's exercise at home booklet. You have free access to this document through your membership with Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group Visit SDSG Website Online Terms & Conditions All Rights Reserved

  • MYJUKES | Health | Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group | England

    Learn about accessing Synergy, an online exercise programme. Croeso i Nofio Hygyrch “Darparu neu gynorthwyo i ddarparu cyfleusterau a digwyddiadau ar gyfer galwedigaeth hamdden, adsefydlu, chwaraeon ac amser hamdden (yn benodol ond nid yn unig trwy ddarparu cyfleusterau a chyfleoedd i nofio) i bobl ag anableddau * a'u teuluoedd, er budd lles cymdeithasol gyda'r nod o wella eu cyflwr ”. Introduction “Darparu neu gynorthwyo i ddarparu cyfleusterau a digwyddiadau ar gyfer galwedigaeth hamdden, adsefydlu, chwaraeon ac amser hamdden (yn benodol ond nid yn unig trwy ddarparu cyfleusterau a chyfleoedd i nofio) i bobl ag anableddau * a'u teuluoedd, er budd lles cymdeithasol gyda'r nod o wella eu cyflwr ”. Benefits of Jukes for a Swimmer Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Accessibility Rydym yn gweithio gyda llawer o fusnesau, grwpiau ac elusennau lleol i wella a datblygu hygyrchedd a darpariaeth gwella iechyd i bobl ag anabledd ym Mwrdeistref Scarborough. Yn yr un modd, rydym yn derbyn atgyfeiriadau aelodau newydd gan y Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol (Gwasanaeth Plant Anabl a Gwasanaethau Oedolion), Iechyd Galwedigaethol, Nyrsys Arbenigol, Meddygfeydd Teulu, Gwasanaeth Lles NYCC a'n Gwasanaethau Ieuenctid lleol i grybwyll ychydig. Mae'n anhygoel yr hyn y gellir ei gyflawni trwy weithio gyda'n gilydd! Cysylltwch â ni i ddarganfod mwy. What is good: Rydym yn gweithio gyda llawer o fusnesau, grwpiau ac elusennau lleol i wella a datblygu hygyrchedd a darpariaeth gwella iechyd i bobl ag anabledd ym Mwrdeistref Scarborough. Yn yr un modd, rydym yn derbyn atgyfeiriadau aelodau newydd gan y Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol (Gwasanaeth Plant Anabl a Gwasanaethau Oedolion), Iechyd Galwedigaethol, Nyrsys Arbenigol, Meddygfeydd Teulu, Gwasanaeth Lles NYCC a'n Gwasanaethau Ieuenctid lleol i grybwyll ychydig. Mae'n anhygoel yr hyn y gellir ei gyflawni trwy weithio gyda'n gilydd! Cysylltwch â ni i ddarganfod mwy. How do you put on a headset? How to fit a Jukes headset over a swim cap correctly Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied How are they used at SDSG Rydym yn gweithio gyda llawer o fusnesau, grwpiau ac elusennau lleol i wella a datblygu hygyrchedd a darpariaeth gwella iechyd i bobl ag anabledd ym Mwrdeistref Scarborough. Yn yr un modd, rydym yn derbyn atgyfeiriadau aelodau newydd gan y Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol (Gwasanaeth Plant Anabl a Gwasanaethau Oedolion), Iechyd Galwedigaethol, Nyrsys Arbenigol, Meddygfeydd Teulu, Gwasanaeth Lles NYCC a'n Gwasanaethau Ieuenctid lleol i grybwyll ychydig. Mae'n anhygoel yr hyn y gellir ei gyflawni trwy weithio gyda'n gilydd! Cysylltwch â ni i ddarganfod mwy. Rydym yn gweithio gyda llawer o fusnesau, grwpiau ac elusennau lleol i wella a datblygu hygyrchedd a darpariaeth gwella iechyd i bobl ag anabledd ym Mwrdeistref Scarborough. Yn yr un modd, rydym yn derbyn atgyfeiriadau aelodau newydd gan y Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol (Gwasanaeth Plant Anabl a Gwasanaethau Oedolion), Iechyd Galwedigaethol, Nyrsys Arbenigol, Meddygfeydd Teulu, Gwasanaeth Lles NYCC a'n Gwasanaethau Ieuenctid lleol i grybwyll ychydig. Mae'n anhygoel yr hyn y gellir ei gyflawni trwy weithio gyda'n gilydd! Cysylltwch â ni i ddarganfod mwy.

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